Wednesday, September 5, 2012


XBRL (extensible Business Reporting Language) is a language for electronic communication of business and financial data. Actually it is machine readable presentation of financial statements.As we file income tax return with IT department in the same way we need to file our financial statement with various regulatory authority, in order to do that we use XBRL software. so we can say it belongs to the XML family.

1. For whom XBRL is mandatory?
    All listed companies in India & their subsidiary including foreign subsidiary.
    All companies having a paid up capital of 5 corer or more & or having a turnover of 100 core or above.

2. Procedure of filling with XBRL
Step-1: Map your Financial Statement in XBRL software.

Step-2: Create an instant document based on maping.

Step-3: Validate the instant document.

Step-4: File the instant document.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Corroption is the price of democracy

Hi friends,
            This is arnab chakraborty. As an Indian often we fill proud because of living in a democratic country. What democracy is all about? Are we happy with this democracy? if yes then why? Stats shows that we are the 2nd largest corrupted country of the world. Don't you think it is the price of democracy? I have something say about this but let here from you first.